Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

Instructions: Please click on the question links to read answers.

Answer. Chose any mode from ‘contact us’ page and leave a message about your work and interest. Concerned person will get in touch with you.
Answer. Moson Le Exparts has constant vacancies in department of Advocate, clerks, computer operator, peons, steno, finance etc. Interested candidate (both male and female) can apply online or through post or personal visit (with appointment) along with bio-data. Contact information can be taken from contact us.
Answer. You can pay through any mode of payment gate way of PayU Money or PayTM through your any e-wallet, ATM-cum-debit Card, Credit Card or internet banking, you can pay through payment gateway and directions to proceed. At present the per query fee is Rs. 500/-.
Answer. Moson Le Exparts has thoughtful hierarchy of team and its back office at Ahmedabad has complete information of all work across the globe on day to day basis with the help of customized software for real time data specially made for Moson Le Exparts.
Answer. Charges are purely on case to case basis. We believe in good work, money would the part and parcel of it. Moson Le Exparts handle cases from start to finish without any one in between, which reduces the cost.
Answer. No, we have aggressive approach towards case proceeding. We make sure that in every date the case must proceeds. We aim to finish the case earliest.